Thursday, February 26, 2009

long time since i've blogged
but its been a hell of emotional rollercoaster
not that it goes up and down
but its mostly downs
with rushing to meet groups of people before leaving
not looking forward to departure
feeling a little excitement when i reached here
hitting rock bottom again when my mum left
then feeling a little thankiful on that day
cause my students came online unexpectedly to talk for the first time
then getting used to everyday life here

but along the way,
i know i've been blessed so abundantly
cause as compared to others
i've had things so much smoother
or maybe i was just optimistic about everything
while the rest kept complaining
so it seems like mine isnt so bad

and as you talk to more people
you realise you are not the only one,
eyes redden, heads nodding
the tiniest things reminds us of people back home
the days our parents left us
the little treasures we had
plus the fact that i never took things for granted 
and treasuring people around me before i leave made it even harder

and for months i searched for something to ease the ache a little
thankfuly i found this just before i left

"Losing people you care about 

and the thought of never, ever seeing them again, 

or hugging them, or hearing them laugh is heart-breaking. 

Trust me, I know. 

You’re only losing ONE of me. 

I’m losing ALL of you. 

But here’s something even more sad – 

what if we had never met, 

never gotten to know each other, 

never laughed together or cried together 

or learned from each other? 

Sure, we’d have saved ourselves some heartache, 

but we’d have lost a great deal more than that. 

And many of you have told me 

that I’ve taught you a thing or two. 

You’ve said I’ve been an inspiration, 

a role model, a source of strength, even a gadfly. 

Just hearing these great compliments from you 

made me want to live up to them and deserve them. 

That’s what kept me going during some of my darkest moments. 

You had put so much faith in me, 

I just couldn’t let you down. 

You saved me."

so thank you all!